Page 31 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 31

  This is the general pattern that is observed in developed countries. Over time, shift has
                            taken place from primary to secondary to tertiary sector. This shows changing importance
                            of the sectors as well.

               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                                                     Lets  Work  these  out                        (Page No. 23)
                          1.  What  does the  history  of developed  countries  indicate  about  the  shifts that  have  taken
                            place between sectors?
                        Ans.  General pattern that is observed in developed countries is a  shift from primary to
                            secondary and then from secondary to tertiary sector.
                             (i)  Initially, primary sector was the most important sector of economic activity. Due to
                                new methods in production, this sector started expanding both in terms of production
                                and employment. People started taking up new activities of buying and selling.
                            (ii)  Then  there  is a shift  from primary  to secondary sector  both in terms  of production
                                and employment.

                            (iii)  There has been a further shift from secondary to tertiary sector. Information technology
                                such as internet cafe, ATM booths, call centres, software companies have catered  a
                                large segment of the market providing employment to large number of people. The
                                service  sector has become  the most important  sector in terms of both employment
                                and total production.

                         2.  Correct and arrange the important aspects for calculating GDP from this jumble.
                            To count  goods and  services  we add  the  number  that  are  produced.  We count  all  those  that
                            were produced  in the  last  five  years. Since  we should not leave  out anything  we add up all
                            these goods and services.
                       Ans.  To count goods and services we add the number that are produced. Since we should not leave
                            out anything we add up all these goods and services. We count all those that were produced
                            in the last five years.

                         3.  Discuss with  your teacher  how you could  calculate  the  total  value  of a good or service  by
                            using the method of value added at each stage.

                         Ans.  Value Added method is, value of intermediate good is deducted from the value of output. Example:
                            (i) Suppose a baker requires only flour to produce goods, he purchases flour from the Miller
                               as an intermediate good worth `30 and by using production activities, he converts the flour
                               into bread and sell the bread for `50.
                           (ii) Now in this example, flour is an intermediate good having value of `30. Value of Bread is
                               value of output which is `50. According to value added method, value added by baker is
                               50 – 30 = 20 (Value of output-value of intermediate consumption). It shows value added
                               by baker is `20.

                        PrimAry, SecondAry And tertiAry SectorS in indiA
                            Graph given below shows  the production of goods and services in the three sectors for
                            the year 1973-74 and 2013-14.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-25
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