Page 36 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 36

Example: let’s take the case of Lakshmi with her two hectare plot of unirrigated land.
                               If she gets loan from a bank or through government, she can construct a well for her
                                family to irrigate the land. With this she can grow one more crop, wheat during the
                                rabi season.
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                               If one hectare of wheat can provide employment to two people for 50 days (sowing,
                                harvesting  etc.), more employment  is created  for 2 members  of her family  on her
                                own land.
                               If  a  new dam  is  constructed  or  canal  is  built,  many  such  farms  could  be  irrigated.
                                This could create lot of employment within the agriculture sector itself.
                               Because of the increasing ability to produce more it needs to be sold in the market.
                                For this, facilities like transport, storage, roads will be required. If government invest
                                some money in these areas, more employment opportunities can be created not only
                                in agriculture but in these areas as well.
                               To cultivate  land, farmers  also need  agricultural  inputs like  seeds, fertilizers,  pump
                                sets. They need to have funds for that. Here the local bank plays the important role,
                                since they can provide loans at reasonable rate of interest. Cheap agricultural credit
                                is required to improve farming.
                            Another way is to identify, promote and locate industries and services in semi-rural areas
                            where a large number of people can be employed.
                               If farmers decide to grow arhar and chickpea, setting up of Dal mill to procure and
                                process these and selling in the cities will help in creating employment opportunities.
                               Cold storage will  give  the farmers  the  facility  to store their  products like  potatoes
                                and onions and sell them when the price is good.
                               Honey collection centers can also be set up near forest areas where wild honey can
                                be sold.
                               Setting up of industries that process vegetables and agricultural produce like potato,
                                sweet potato, rice, wheat, tomato, fruits, which can be sold in outside markets. In
                                this way employment can be created in industries located in semi-rural areas.

                                                       intext  question                            (Page No. 28)
                          1.  What group of people do you think are unemployed or underemployed in your area? Can
                            you think of some measures that could be taken up for them?
                        Ans.  Some of the people who are underemployed around us are:
                             (i)  Car washer- He cleans and washes car in the morning and could earn around `3000
                                per month. He is free for the rest of the day. So he is underemployed. He is working
                                less than his potential. If he is provided with some job opportunities in the day time
                                like working in factory etc. he would be able to earn more.
                            (ii)  Person who is engaged in ironing clothes. He also works  till 12 in the afternoon.
                                He can also work at shops, departmental store as a salesman. He can also buy auto
                                rickshaw or battery rickshaw if he gets cheap credit from the government and use it
                                to earn money.
                            (iii)  Others are cobblers, vegetable vendors etc.
                       Creating employment opportunities in Education and Health Sector.
                                In  India  out  of  the  60% of  the  population  who  are  under  the  age  group  5 to  29
                                years, only 51% are attending educational institutions. Those aged less than 18 years
                                are  mainly  at  home  or working  as  a  child  labour. If these  children  start  attending

             E-30                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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