Page 41 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 41
4. The table below shows the estimated number of workers in India in the organised and
unorganised sectors. Read the table carefully. Fill in the missing data and answer the
questions that follow:
Sector Organised Unorganised Total
Primary 1 232
Secondary 41 74 115
Tertiary 40 88 128
Total 82
Total in Percentage 100%
(a) What is the percentage of people in the unorganised sector in agriculture?
(b) Do you agree that agriculture is an unorganised sector activity? Why?
(c) If we look at the country as a whole, we find that ____% of the workers in India
are in the unorganised sector. Organised sector employment is available to only about
____% of the workers in India.
Ans. Sector Organised Unorganised Total
Primary 1 231 232
Secondary 41 74 115
Tertiary 40 88 128
Total 82 393 475
Total in Percentage 17.3% 82.7% 100%
(a) 99.5% of the people are in the unorganised sector in agriculture.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
(b) Yes, agriculture is an unorganised sector activity because farmers work on their own.
There are no rules and regulations to be followed, no registration required, no regular
income and job security is there. They hire labourers as and when require.
(c) If we look at the country as a whole, we find that 82.7% of the workers in India are
in the unorganised sector. Organised sector employment is available to only about
17.3% of the workers in India.
how to Protect Workers in the Unorganised Sector?
The jobs provided by the organized sectors are the most favorable one but employment
opportunities in the organised sector have been expanding very slowly. In fact, to evade
taxes and refusal to follow laws that protect labourers, many organised sector enterprises
are seen in the unorganised sector. As a result, a large number of workers are forced to
enter the unorganised sector jobs.
Workers in the unorganised sector are often exploited and not paid a fair wage. Their
earnings are low and not regular. The jobs are not secured and have no other benefits.
Large number of workers are losing their jobs in the organised sector since 1990s. These
workers are forced to take up jobs in the unorganised sector with low earnings. Hence,
workers in the unoraganised sectors needs protection along with the need for more work.
There are certain group of people who are more vulnerable and needs protection.
In rural areas,
Unorganised sector consists of landless agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers,
sharecroppers and artisans (such as weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters and goldsmiths).
Economics Class X E-35