Page 42 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 42

  Nearly 80 percent of rural households in India are in small and marginal farmer category.
                               These farmers need to be supported through adequate facility for timely delivery
                                of seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets.
                            In the urban areas,
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                               Unorganised sector comprises mainly of workers in small-scale industry, casual workers
                                in construction, trade and transport etc., and those who work as street vendors, head
                                load workers, garment makers, rag pickers etc.
                               Small-scale industry also needs government’s support for procuring raw material and
                                marketing of output.
                       The casual workers in both rural and urban areas need to be protected.
                            Workers from scheduled castes, tribes and backward communities- They are working in
                            unorganized sector. These workers also face social discrimination apart from getting the
                            irregular and low paid work.
                       Thus, for both economic and social development,  protection and support to the unorganised
                       sector workers is necessary.

                       Let’S recALL                                                                (Page No. 33)
                       With so many activities taking place around us, one needs to use the process of classification
                       to think in a useful manner. The criterion for classification could be many depending on what
                       we desire to find out. The process of classification helps to analyse a situation.
                       In dividing the economic activities into three sectors — primary, secondary, tertiary — the criterion
                       used was the ‘nature of activity’. On the basis of this classification, we were able to analyse the
                       pattern of total production and employment in India. Similarly, we divided the economic activities
                       into organised and unorganised and used the classification to look at employment in the two sectors.
                       What  was  the  most  important  conclusion  that  was derived  from  the  classification  exercises?
                       What were the problems and solutions that were indicated? Can you summarise the information
                       in the following table?

                                             CLASSIFYING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES
                                                            Most important         Problems indicated and
                       Sector         Criteria used
                                                              conclusion           how they can be tackled
                        Primary,       Nature of
                        Secondary,     activity
                        Organised and
                       Ans.                    CLASSIFYING ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES
                                            Criteria       Most important        Problems indicated and how
                                             used             conclusion             they can be tackled
                             Primary,      Nature of   Over the time there is  Goods and services  produced
                             Secondary,    activity    a shift in terms of both  in the tertiary sector contribute
                             Tertiary                  employment and production  most to the GDP, while the
                                                       from primary to secondary  maximum employment remains
                                                       and then to tertiary sector. in the primary sector and
                                                                                 this gives rise to problem of
                                                                                 underemployment or disguised

             E-36                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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