Page 40 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 40
2. Talk to someone who has a regular job in the organised sector and another who works
in the unorganised sector. Compare and contrast their working conditions in all aspects.
Ans. A teacher who is teaching in a government school (organised sector) and a household
maid(unorganised sector) has different working conditions.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
Organised Sector Unorganised Sector
There is fixed working timing. Teachers There is no fixed timing. They adjust it
cannot go late and come back early. accordingly
Salary is quite good Salary is low.
Sundays are holidays and nothing is cut No holidays are given and salary is cut if
from the salary for that holiday. she takes an off.
Job stability is there and there are terms Job is not fixed. She can be fired by the
and conditions of employment. employer anytime.
Other benefits like maternity leave, medical She does not get any extra benefit apart
benefits etc. are also given. from the salary.
3. How would you distinguish between organised and unorganised sectors? Explain in your
own words.
Ans. Organised Sector Unorganised Sector
(i) It covers those enterprises or places of (i) It has small and scattered units which
work where the terms of employment are largely outside the control of the
are regular. government.
(ii) It has some formal processes and (ii) Place of work under this sector is
procedures like: they are registered not registered. There are rules and
by the government and have to follow regulations but these are not followed.
rules and regulations.
(iii) There is security of job. (iii) Job security is not there. Here workers
are hired and fired at will.
(iv) Workers are expected to work only a (iv) No fixed number of working hours
fixed number of hours. If they work and no provision of overtime payment.
more, they have to be paid overtime
by the employer.
(v) Besides regular salary, several other (v) Jobs here are low-paid and often not
benefits from the employers are also regular.
provided to those who are working There is no provision for paid leave,
under this sector like paid leaves, holidays, leave due to sickness, no
medical and insurance facility etc. provision for medical and health
E-34 Economics Class X