Page 44 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 44

BOX - 5                             (Page no. 46)
                       Writing about the Russian Revolution in India
                       Among those the Russian Revolution inspired were many Indians. Several attended  the
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                       Communist University. By the mid-1920s the Communist Party was formed in India. Its members
                       kept in touch with the Soviet Communist Party. Important Indian political and cultural figures
                       took an interest in the Soviet experiment and visited Russia, among them Jawaharlal Nehru and
                       Rabindranath  Tagore, who wrote about Soviet Socialism. In India, writings gave impressions
                       of Soviet Russia. In Hindi, R.S.  Avasthi  wrote in 1920-21 Russian Revolution,  Lenin,  His
                       Life and His Thoughts, and later The Red Revolution. S.D. Vidyalankar wrote The Rebirth of
                       Russia and The Soviet State of Russia. There was much that was written in Bengali, Marathi,
                       Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.

                                                             Source F                            (Page no. 47)
                       An Indian arrives in Soviet Russia in 1920
                       ‘For the first time in our lives, we were seeing Europeans mixing freely with Asians. On seeing
                       the Russians mingling  freely  with the rest of the people  of the country we were  convinced
                       that we had come to a land of real equality. We saw freedom in its true light. In spite of their
                       poverty,  imposed  by the counter-revolutionaries and the imperialists,  the  people were more
                       jovial and satisfied than ever before. The  revolution had instilled  confidence  and fearlessness
                       in  them.  The real brotherhood of mankind would be seen here  among  these people of fifty
                       different nationalities. No barriers of caste or religion hindered them from mixing freely with
                       one another. Every soul was transformed into an orator. One could see a worker, a peasant or
                       a soldier haranguing like a professional lecturer.’
                       Shaukat Usmani, Historic Trips of a Revolutionary.

                                                             Source G                            (Page no. 47)
                       Rabindranath Tagore wrote from Russia in 1930
                       ‘Moscow  appears  much  less  clean  than  the  other  European  capitals.  None  of those  hurrying
                       along the streets look smart. The whole place belongs to the workers … Here the masses have
                       not in the least been put in the shade by the gentlemen … those who lived in the background
                       for ages  have  come  forward in  the  open  today  … I thought  of the  peasants  and  workers in
                       my  own  country. It all seemed like the work  of the Genii in  the Arabian Nights. [here] only
                       a  decade  ago  they  were  as  illiterate,  helpless  and  hungry as  our  own masses …  Who  could
                       be more astonished than  an unfortunate  Indian  like  myself to see how they had removed  the
                       mountain of ignorance and helplessness in these few years’.

                                                                                                 (Page no. 47)
                         Q. Compare the passages written by Shaukat Usmani and Rabindranath Tagore. Read
                           them in relation to Sources C, D and E.
                              What did Indians find impressive about the USSR?
                              What did the writers fail to notice?
                       Ans. (a)   What did Indians find impressive about the USSR?

                               At that time when these passages were written by Shaukat Usmani and Rabindranath,
                               India was ruled by the British. Caste and class differences were followed by the Indians
                               and the Indians were ignorant and backward also. They were impressed by the fact that
                               all persons in Russia were treated equally. In spite of them not being very prosperous,

            History Class IX                                                                                      H-37
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