Page 180 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 180

7     Electric bulb                                  or

                    8     A resistor of resistance R

                    9     Variable resistance or rheostat                            or

                   10     Ammeter

                   11     Voltmeter

                        OHM’S LAW
                 11.4 OHM’S       LA
                 11.4 OHM’S LAOHM’S LAWW
                 11.4 OHM’S LAWW
                 Is there a relationship between the potential difference across a conductor
                 and the current through it? Let us explore with an Activity.
                     Activity 11.1
                     Activity 11.1
                     Activity 11.111.1
                   n Set up a circuit as shown in Fig. 11.2,
                      consisting of a nichrome wire XY of length,
                      say 0.5 m, an ammeter, a voltmeter and
                      four cells of 1.5 V each. (Nichrome is an
                      alloy of nickel, chromium, manganese, and
                      iron metals.)
                   n First use only one cell as the source in the
                      circuit. Note the reading in the ammeter I,
                      for the current and reading of the voltmeter
                      V  for the potential difference across the
                      nichrome wire XY in the circuit. Tabulate
                                                                 Figure 11.2
                                                                 Figure 11.2
                                                                 Figure 11.2
                                                                 Figure 11.2
                                                                 Figure 11.2 Electric circuit for studying Ohm’s law
                      them in the Table given.
                   n Next connect two cells in the circuit and
                      note the respective readings of the ammeter and voltmeter for the values of current through
                      the nichrome wire and potential difference across the nichrome wire.
                   n Repeat the above steps using three cells and then four cells in the circuit separately.
                   n Calculate the ratio of V to I for each pair of potential difference V and current I.
                         S.   Number of cells   Current through    Potential difference       V/I
                        No.     used in the      the nichrome          across the        (volt/ampere)
                                  circuit            wire, I            nichrome
                                 (ampere)         wire, V (volt)
                         1           1
                         2           2
                         3           3

                         4           4
                   n Plot a graph between V and I, and observe the nature of the graph.

                 Electricity                                                                              175

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