Page 183 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 183

Figure 11.5 Electric circuit to study the factors on which the  resistance of conducting wires depends
               Figure 11.5
               Figure 11.5
               Figure 11.5
               Figure 11.5
                 n Now, plug the key. Note the current in the ammeter.
                 n Replace the nichrome wire by another nichrome wire of same thickness but twice the
                   length, that is 2l [marked (2) in the Fig. 11.5].
                 n Note the ammeter reading.
                 n Now replace the wire by a thicker nichrome wire, of the same length l  [marked (3)]. A
                   thicker wire has a larger cross-sectional area. Again note down the current through the
                 n Instead of taking a nichrome wire, connect a copper wire [marked (4) in Fig. 11.5] in the
                   circuit. Let the wire be of the same length and same area of cross-section as that of the
                   first nichrome wire [marked (1)]. Note the value of the current.
                 n Notice the difference in the current in all cases.
                 n Does the current depend on the length of the conductor?
                 n Does the current depend on the area of cross-section of the wire used?

                                         It is observed that the ammeter reading decreases to one-half when
                                     the length of the wire is doubled. The ammeter reading is increased when
                                     a thicker wire of the same material and of the same length is used in the
                                     circuit. A change in ammeter reading is observed when a wire of different
                                     material of the same length and the same area of cross-section is used.
                                     On applying Ohm’s law [Eqs. (11.5) – (11.7)], we observe that the
                                     resistance of the conductor depends (i) on its length, (ii) on its area of
                                     cross-section, and (iii) on the nature of its material. Precise measurements
                                     have shown that resistance of a uniform metallic conductor is directly
                                     proportional to its length (l) and inversely proportional to the area of
                                     cross-section (A). That is,
                                                R ∝ l                                                 (11.8)
                                         and    R ∝ 1/A                                               (11.9)
                                     Combining Eqs. (11.8) and (11.9) we get

                                                R ∝
                                         or,    R = ρ                                                (11.10)
                                     where ρ (rho) is a constant of proportionality and is called the electrical
                                     resistivity of the material of the conductor. The SI unit of resistivity is
                                     Ω m. It is a characteristic property of the material. The metals and alloys

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