Page 50 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 50

n In which test tube did you find that a reaction has occurred?
                   n On what basis can you say that a reaction has actually taken
                   n Can you correlate your observations for the Activities 3.9, 3.10
                      and 3.11?
                   n Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that has taken
                   n Name the type of reaction.

                    Reactive metals can displace less
                 reactive metals from their compounds in
                 solution or molten form.
                    We have seen in the previous sections
                 that all metals are not equally reactive. We
                 checked the reactivity of various metals
                 with oxygen, water and acids. But all
                 metals do not react with these reagents.
                 So we were not able to put all the metal
                 samples we had collected in decreasing
                 order of their reactivity. Displacement
                 reactions studied in Chapter 1 give better
                 evidence about the reactivity of metals. It
                 is simple and easy if metal A displaces
                                                                                         Figure 3.4
                                                                                         Figure 3.4
                                                                                         Figure 3.4
                                                                                         Figure 3.4
                                                                                         Figure 3.4
                 metal B from its solution, it is more reactive than B.                  Reaction of metals with
                                                                                         salt solutions
                    Metal A + Salt solution of B → Salt solution of A + Metal B
                    Which metal, copper or iron, is more reactive according to your
                 observations in Activity 3.12?
                 3.2.5 The Reactivity Series

                 The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in the order of their
                 decreasing activities. After performing displacement experiments
                 (Activities 1.9 and 3.12), the following series, (Table 3.2) known as the
                 reactivity or activity series has been developed.
                 Table 3.2 Activity series : Relative reactivities of metals

                    K           Potassium        Most reactive
                    Na          Sodium
                    Ca          Calcium
                    Mg          Magnesium
                    Al          Aluminium
                    Zn          Zinc             Reactivity decreases
                    Fe          Iron
                    Pb          Lead
                    [H]         [Hydrogen]
                    Cu          Copper
                    Hg          Mercury
                    Ag          Silver
                    Au          Gold             Least reactive

                 Metals and Non-metals                                                                     45

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