Page 51 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 51

Q      U       E     S     T      I     O      N      S

                 1.    Why is sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil?
                 2.    Write equations for the reactions of
                        (i) iron with steam                                                     ?
                        (ii) calcium and potassium with water
                 3.    Samples of four metals A, B, C and D were taken and added to the
                       following solution one by one. The results obtained have been tabulated
                       as follows.

                   Metal    Iron(II) sulphate   Copper(II) sulphate     Zinc sulphate      Silver nitrate
                      A       No reaction           Displacement
                      B       Displacement                                No reaction
                      C       No reaction           No reaction           No reaction       Displacement
                      D       No reaction           No reaction           No reaction       No reaction

                      Use the Table above to answer the following questions about metals
                      A, B, C and D.
                       (i)  Which is the most reactive metal?
                      (ii)  What would you observe if B is added to a solution of Copper(II)
                      (iii)  Arrange the metals A, B, C and D in the order of decreasing
                 4.   Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a
                      reactive metal? Write the chemical reaction when iron reacts with dilute
                      H SO .
                        2  4
                 5.   What would you observe when zinc is added to a solution of iron(II)
                      sulphate? Write the chemical reaction that takes place.

                                     3.3 HOW DO METHOW DO METALS AND NON-METALS AND NON-METALS REAALS REACT?
                                     3.3 HOW DO METALS AND NON-METALS AND NON-METALS REAALS REACT?
                                     3.3  HOW DO METALS AND NON-METALS REACT?CT?
                                     3.3 HOW
                                     In the above activities, you saw the reactions of metals with a number of
                                     reagents. Why do metals react in this manner? Let us recall what we
                                     learnt about the electronic configuration of elements in Class IX. We
                                     learnt that noble gases, which have a completely filled valence shell, show
                                     little chemical activity. We, therefore, explain the reactivity of elements
                                     as a tendency to attain a completely filled valence shell.
                                         Let us have a look at the electronic configuration of noble gases and
                                     some metals and non-metals.
                                         We can see from Table 3.3 that a sodium atom has one electron in its
                                     outermost shell. If it loses the electron from its M shell then its L shell
                                     now becomes the outermost shell and that has a stable octet. The nucleus
                                     of this atom still has 11 protons but the number of electrons has
                                     become 10, so there is a net positive charge giving us a sodium cation
                                     Na . On the other hand chlorine has seven electrons in its outermost shell

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