Page 53 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 53

Mg  →  Mg 2+  + 2 e  –
                                                            2 8 2   2 8
                                                                    (Magnesium cation)
                                                         Cl    +e –   →  Cl –
                                                         2,8,7           2,8,8
                                                                          (Chloride anion)

                                                     Figure 3.6
                                                     Figure 3.6
                                                     Figure 3.6
                                                     Figure 3.6
                                                     Figure 3.6 Formation of magnesium chloride
                                         The compounds formed in this manner by the transfer of electrons
                                     from a metal to a non-metal are known as ionic compounds or
                                     electrovalent compounds. Can you name the cation and anion present
                                     in MgCl ?
                                     3.3.1 Properties of Ionic Compounds
                                     To learn about the properties of ionic compounds, let us perform the
                                     following Activity:

                                                Activity 3.13
                                                Activity 3.133.13
                                                Activity 3.13
                                               n Take samples of sodium chloride, potassium iodide, barium
                                                  chloride or any other salt from the science laboratory.
                                               n What is the physical state of these salts?
                                               n Take a small amount of a sample on a metal spatula and
                                                  heat directly on the flame (Fig. 3.7). Repeat with other samples.
                                               n What did you observe? Did the samples impart any colour
                                                  to the flame? Do these compounds melt?
                                               n Try to dissolve the samples in water, petrol and kerosene.
                                                  Are they soluble?
              Figure 3.7
              Figure 3.7
              Figure 3.7
              Figure 3.7
              Figure 3.7
              Heating a salt sample on a       n Make a circuit as shown in Fig. 3.8 and insert the electrodes
              spatula                             into a solution of one salt. What did you observe? Test the
                                                  other salt samples too in this manner.
                                               n What is your inference about the nature of these
                                                Table 3.4 Melting and boiling points of some ionic compounds
                                                     Ionic           Melting point         Boiling point
                                                  compound                 (K)                  (K)

                                                      NaCl               1074                  1686
                                                      LiCl                 887                 1600

                                                      CaCl               1045                  1900
               Figure 3.8
               Figure 3.8
               Figure 3.8                             CaO                2850                  3120
               Figure 3.8
               Figure 3.8
               Testing the conductivity of
                                                      MgCl                 981                 1685
               a salt solution                            2
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