Page 78 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 78

More to Know!  Sugarcane plants are one of the most efficient convertors of sunlight into chemical
                                                                as a fuel
                                                       Alcohol as a fuelas a fuel
                                                       Alcohol as
                                                       Alcohol as a fuel
                       energy. Sugarcane juice can be used to prepare molasses which is fermented to give
                       alcohol (ethanol). Some countries now use alcohol as an additive in petrol since it is a
                       cleaner fuel which gives rise to only carbon dioxide and water on burning in sufficient
                       air (oxygen).
                 4.4.2 Properties of Ethanoic Acid

                 Ethanoic acid is commonly called acetic acid and
                                                                         Activity 4.74.7
                                                                         Activity 4.7
                                                                         Activity 4.7
                 belongs to a group of acids called carboxylic           Activity    4.7
                 acids. 5-8% solution of acetic acid in water is
                                                                      n Compare the pH of dilute acetic acid
                 called vinegar and is used widely as a preservative
                                                                         and dilute hydrochloric acid using
                 in pickles. The melting point of pure ethanoic acid
                 is 290 K and hence it often freezes during winter       both litmus paper and universal
                 in cold climates. This gave rise to its name glacial
                                                                      n Are both acids indicated by the
                 acetic acid.
                                                                         litmus test?
                    The group of organic compounds called             n Does the universal indicator show
                 carboxylic acids are obviously characterised by         them as equally strong acids?
                 their acidic nature. However, unlike mineral acids
                 like HCl, which are completely ionised, carboxylic
                 acids are weak acids.
                      Activity 4.8
                      Activity 4.8
                      Activity 4.84.8
                   n Take 1 mL ethanol (absolute alcohol)
                      and 1 mL glacial acetic acid along
                      with a few drops of concentrated
                      sulphuric acid in a test tube.
                   n Warm in a water-bath for at least five
                      minutes as shown in Fig. 4.11.
                   n Pour into a beaker containing
                      20-50 mL of water and smell the
                      resulting mixture.
                 Reactions of ethanoic acid:
                Reactions of ethanoic acid:of ethanoic acid:
                Reactions   of of ethanoic acid:
                 (i) Esterification reaction: Esters are most commonly
                     formed by reaction of an acid and an alcohol.
                     Ethanoic acid reacts with absolute ethanol in the
                     presence of an acid catalyst to give an ester –
                                                                                         Figure 4.11
                                                                                         Figure 4.114.11
                                                                                         Figure 4.11
                                                 Acid                                    Formation of ester
                                                              − −
                     CH −  COOH CH −    CH OH          CH −  C C CH −   CH +  H O
                        3            3    2              3           2     3   2
                     (Ethanoic acid)            (Ethanol)                               (Ester)
                     Generally, esters are sweet-smelling substances. These are used in
                     making perfumes and as flavouring agents. On treating with sodium
                     hydroxide, which is an alkali, the ester is converted back to  alcohol
                     and sodium salt of carboxylic acid. This reaction is known as
                     saponification because it is used in the preparation of soap. Soaps
                     are sodium or potassium salts of long chain carboxylic acid.
                 Carbon and its Compounds                                                                  73
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