Page 79 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 79

                                          CH COOC H   5        C H OH+CH COONa
                                     (ii) Reaction with a base: Like mineral acids, ethanoic acid reacts with
                                          a base such as sodium hydroxide to give a salt (sodium ethanoate
                                          or commonly called sodium acetate) and water:
                                          NaOH + CH COOH → CH COONa + H O
                                                     3             3           2
                                         How does ethanoic acid react with carbonates and
                                         Let us perform an activity to find out.
                   Activity 4.9
                   Activity    4.9
                   Activity 4.94.9
                   Activity 4.9
                 n Set up the apparatus as shown in Chapter 2, Activity 2.5.
                 n Take a spatula full of sodium carbonate in a test tube and add 2 mL of dilute
                    ethanoic acid.
                 n What do you observe?
                 n Pass the gas produced through freshly prepared lime-water. What do you observe?
                 n Can the gas produced by the reaction between ethanoic acid and sodium carbonate be
                    identified by this test?
                 n Repeat this Activity with sodium hydrogencarbonate instead of sodium carbonate.
                                     (iii) Reaction with carbonates and hydrogencarbonates: Ethanoic acid
                                          reacts with carbonates and hydrogencarbonates to give rise to a
                                          salt, carbon dioxide and water. The salt produced is commonly called
                                          sodium acetate.
                                          2CH COOH + Na CO  → 2CH COONa + H O + CO
                                              3           2   3        3           2       2
                                          CH COOH + NaHCO  → CH COONa + H O + CO
                                             3                3      3           2       2

                                 Q      U      E      S     T      I    O       N      S

                 1.    How would you distinguish experimentally between an alcohol and
                       a carboxylic acid?                                                          ?
                 2.    What are oxidising agents?

                                     4.5 SOAPS AND DETERGENTS

                                                           Activity 4.10
                                                           Activity 4.104.10
                                                           Activity 4.10
                                                         n Take about 10 mL of water each in two test tubes.
                                                         n Add a drop of oil (cooking oil) to both  the test tubes
                                                            and label them as A and B.
                                                         n To test tube B, add a few drops of soap solution.
                                                         n Now shake both the test tubes vigourously for
                                                            the same period of time.
                                                         n Can you see the oil and water layers separately
                                                            in both the test tubes immediately after you
                                                            stop shaking them?
                                                         n Leave the test tubes undisturbed for some time
              Figure 4.12
              Figure 4.12
              Figure 4.12                                   and observe. Does the oil layer separate out?
              Figure 4.12
              Figure 4.12
              Formation of micelles                         In which test tube does this happen first?
                74                                                                                   Science

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