Page 101 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 101

or collision with the panels in front. Safety belts
               Galileo Galilei was born
                                                               are worn to prevent such accidents. Safety belts
               on 15 February 1564 in
                                                               exert a force on our body to make the forward
               Pisa, Italy. Galileo, right
               from his childhood, had                         motion slower. An opposite experience is
               interest in mathematics                         encountered when we are standing in a bus
               and natural philosophy.                         and the bus begins to move suddenly. Now
               But      his      father                        we tend to fall backwards. This is because the
               Vincenzo Galilei wanted                         sudden start of the bus brings motion to the
               him to become a medical                         bus as well as to our feet in contact with the
               doctor.   Accordingly,                          floor of the bus. But the rest of our body
                                            Galileo Galilei
               Galileo enrolled himself                        opposes this motion because of its inertia.
                                            (1564 – 1642)
               for a medical degree at the                        When a motorcar makes a sharp turn at a
               University of Pisa in 1581 which he never
                                                               high speed, we tend to get thrown to one side.
               completed because of his real interest in       This can again be explained on the basis of
               mathematics. In 1586, he wrote his first        the law of inertia. We tend to continue in our
               scientific book ‘The Little Balance [La         straight-line motion. When an unbalanced
               Balancitta]’, in which he described
               Archimedes’ method of finding the relative      force is applied by the engine to change the
               densities (or specific gravities) of substances  direction of motion of the motorcar, we slip to
               using a balance. In 1589, in his series of      one side of the seat due to the inertia of
               essays – De Motu, he presented his theories     our body.
               about falling objects using an inclined plane      The fact that a body will remain at rest
               to slow down the rate of descent.               unless acted upon by an unbalanced force
                  In 1592, he was appointed professor of       can    be    illustrated     through     the
               mathematics at the University of Padua in       following activities:
               the Republic of Venice. Here he continued his
               observations on the theory of motion and          Activity ______________ 8.1
               through his study of inclined planes and the
               pendulum, formulated the correct law for          •    Make a pile of similar carom coins on
               uniformly accelerated objects that the                 a table, as shown in Fig. 8.6.
               distance the object moves is proportional to      •    Attempt  a sharp horizontal hit at the
               the square of the time taken.                          bottom of the pile using another carom
                                                                      coin or the striker. If the hit is strong
                  Galileo was also a remarkable craftsman.
                                                                      enough, the bottom coin moves out
               He developed a series of telescopes whose
               optical performance was much better than               quickly. Once the lowest coin is
                                                                      removed, the inertia of the other coins
               that of other telescopes available during those
                                                                      makes them ‘fall’ vertically on the
               days. Around 1640, he designed the first
               pendulum clock. In his book ‘Starry
               Messenger’ on his astronomical discoveries,
               Galileo claimed to have seen mountains on
               the moon, the milky way made up of tiny
               stars, and four small bodies orbiting Jupiter.
               In his books ‘Discourse on Floating Bodies’
               and ‘Letters on the Sunspots’, he disclosed
               his observations of sunspots.
                  Using his own telescopes and through his
               observations on Saturn and Venus, Galileo
               argued that all the planets must orbit the Sun
                                                                 Fig. 8.6: Only the carom coin at the bottom of a
               and not the earth, contrary to what was                    pile is removed when a fast moving carom
               believed at that time.
                                                                          coin (or striker) hits it.

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