Page 80 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 80

then transmitting the stimulus very rapidly     (processes) called dendrites. An individual
                 from one place to another within the body. The  nerve cell may be up to a metre long. Many
                 brain, spinal cord and nerves are all composed  nerve fibres bound together by connective
                 of the nervous tissue. The cells of this tissue  tissue make up a nerve.
                 are called nerve cells or neurons. A neuron         The signal that passes along the nerve fibre
                 consists of a cell body with a nucleus and      is called a nerve impulse. Nerve impulses allow
                 cytoplasm, from which long thin hair-like       us to move our muscles when we want to. The
                 parts arise (Fig. 6.12). Usually each neuron    functional combination of nerve and muscle
                 has a single long part (process), called the    tissue is fundamental to most animals. This
                 axon, and many short, branched parts            combination enables animals to move rapidly
                                                                 in response to stimuli.
                                                                 Q           movement in our body.
                                  Dendrite                             uestions
                                                                         1. Name the tissue responsible for

                                      Axon                               2. What does a neuron look like?
                                                Nerve ending             3. Give three features of cardiac
                      Cell body                                          4. What are the functions of
                      Fig. 6.12: Neuron-unit of nervous tissue               areolar tissue?


                                       you have


                                       •     Tissue is a group of cells similar in structure and function.
                                       •     Plant tissues are of two main types – meristematic and

                                       •     Meristematic tissue is the dividing tissue present in the
                                             growing regions of the plant.
                                       •     Permanent tissues are derived from meristematic tissue once
                                             they lose the ability to divide. They are classified as simple
                                             and complex tissues.
                                       •     Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma are three types
                                             of simple tissues. Xylem and phloem are types of complex
                                       •     Animal tissues can be epithelial, connective, muscular and
                                             nervous tissue.
                                       •     Depending on shape and function, epithelial tissue is
                                             classified as squamous, cuboidal, columnar, ciliated and

                 TISSUES                                                                                 69

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