Page 76 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 76

During breathing we inhale oxygen. Where
                 Q    uestions                                   does this oxygen go? It is absorbed in the lungs
                        1. Name types of simple tissues.
                                                                 and then is transported to all the body cells
                        2. Where is apical meristem found?
                                                                 through blood. Why would cells need oxygen?
                        3. Which tissue makes up the husk
                                                                 The functions of mitochondria we studied
                            of coconut?
                        4. What are the constituents of
                                                                 flows and carries various substances from one
                            phloem?                              earlier provide a clue to this question. Blood
                                                                 part of the body to the other. For example, it
                                                                 carries oxygen and food to all cells. It also
                                                                 collects wastes from all parts of the body and
                 6.3 Animal Tissues                              carries them to the liver and kidney for
                 When we breathe we can actually feel the            Blood and muscles are both examples of
                 movement of our chest. How do these body        tissues found in our body. On the basis of  the
                 parts move? For this we have specialised cells
                                                                 functions they perform we can think of different
                 called muscle cells (Fig. 6.8). The contraction  types of animal tissues, such as epithelial
                 and relaxation of these cells result
                                                                 tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and
                 in movement.
                                                                 nervous tissue. Blood is a type of connective
                                                                 tissue, and muscle forms muscular tissue.

                                                                 6.3.1 EPITHELIAL TISSUE
                                                                 The covering or protective tissues in the animal
                                                                 body are epithelial tissues. Epithelium covers
                                                                 most organs and cavities within the body. It
                                                                 also forms a barrier to keep different body
                                                                 systems separate. The skin, the lining of the
                                                                 mouth, the lining of blood vessels, lung alveoli
                                                                 and kidney tubules are all made of epithelial
                                                                 tissue. Epithelial tissue cells are tightly packed
                                                                 and form a continuous sheet. They have only
                                                                 a small amount of cementing material between
                                                                 them and almost no intercellular spaces.
                                                                 Obviously, anything entering or leaving the
                                                                 body must cross at least one layer of
                                                                 epithelium. As a result, the permeability of the
                                                                 cells of various epithelia play an important role
                                                                 in regulating the exchange of materials
                                                                 between the body and the external
                                                                 environment and also between different parts
                                                                 of the body. Regardless of the type, all
                                                                 epithelium is usually separated from the
                              Smooth muscle fibres
                                                                 underlying tissue by an extracellular fibrous
                                                                 basement membrane.
                              Nucleus                                Different epithelia (Fig. 6.9) show differing
                                      Smooth muscle fibre        structures that correlate with their unique
                                                                 functions. For example, in cells lining blood
                                                                 vessels or lung alveoli, where transportation
                                                                 of substances occurs through a selectively
                         Fig. 6.8: Location of muscle fibres     permeable surface, there is a simple flat kind

                 TISSUES                                                                                 65

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