Page 88 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 88

                    To answer such a question, we have to             attain a velocity of 6 m s in 30 s. Then
                 introduce another physical quantity called           he applies brakes such that the velocity
                 acceleration, which is a measure of the              of the bicycle comes down to 4 m s in
                 change in the velocity of an object per unit         the next 5 s. Calculate the acceleration
                 time. That is,                                       of the bicycle in both the cases.

                                  change in velocity               Solution:
                    acceleration =
                                      time taken                      In the first case:
                    If the velocity of an object changes from         initial velocity, u = 0 ;
                 an initial value u to the final value v in time t,   final velocity, v = 6 m s ;
                 the acceleration a is,                               time, t = 30 s .
                                                                      From Eq. (8.3), we have
                          v – u
                      a =                                (7.3)                           v – u
                           t                                                         a =
                    This kind of motion is known as
                 accelerated motion. The acceleration is taken        Substituting the given values of u,v and
                                                                      t in the above equation, we get
                 to be positive if it is in the direction of velocity
                 and negative when it is opposite to the                           ( 6m s  –1  – 0m s  –1 )
                 direction of velocity. The SI unit of                         a  =
                 acceleration is m s .                                                   30 s
                    If an object travels in a straight line and
                                                                                  = 0.2 m s –2
                 its velocity increases or decreases by equal
                 amounts in equal intervals of time, then the         In the second case:      –1
                 acceleration of the object is said to be             initial velocity, u = 6 m s ;
                                                                      final velocity, v = 4 m s ;
                 uniform. The motion of a freely falling body
                                                                      time, t = 5 s.
                 is an example of uniformly accelerated
                 motion. On the other hand, an object can                        ( 4m s –1  – 6m s –1 )
                 travel with non-uniform acceleration if its          Then, a  =
                 velocity changes at a non-uniform rate. For                           5 s
                 example, if a car travelling along a straight
                                                                               = –0.4 m s .
                 road increases its speed by unequal amounts
                                                                      The acceleration of the bicycle in the
                 in equal intervals of time, then the car is said     first case is 0.2 m s  and in the second
                 to be moving with non-uniform acceleration.
                                                                      case, it is –0.4 m s .
                   Activity ______________ 7.8
                   •    In your everyday life you come across          uestions
                        a range of motions in which
                        (a) acceleration is in the direction of          1. When will you say a body is in
                            motion,                              Q           (i) uniform acceleration?  (ii) non-
                        (b) acceleration is against the                      uniform acceleration?
                            direction of motion,                         2. A bus decreases its speed from
                        (c) acceleration is uniform,                         80 km h  –1  to  60 km h –1  in 5 s.
                        (d) acceleration is non-uniform.                     Find the acceleration of the bus.
                   •    Can you identify one example each
                                                                         3. A train starting from a railway
                        for the above type of motion?
                                                                             station and moving with uniform
                                                                             acceleration attains a speed
                  Example   7.4  Starting from a stationary                  40 km h  in 10 minutes. Find its
                     position, Rahul paddles his bicycle to                  acceleration.

                 MOTION                                                                                  77

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