Page 137 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 137
money did not reach on time nor did it reach months later. Prakash filed a case in
a district level Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in New Delhi. These days
consumer as an individual or as a group (called class action suit) file a complaint
both physically or via the internet and proceed with their case video conferencing.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
All the steps he undertook are illustrated here.
1. Prakash goes to the post office to send money 2. Prakash enquires about the money order in the
order to his daughter. Later on, Prakash comes post office but the post office does not respond
to know that the money has not reached his to the query satisfactorily.
3. Prakash goes to the local consumer protection 4. He himself pleads the case in the Commission
council for advice. Then, he goes to a office. The Commission office judge verifies
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission to the documents and hears the arguments of
file a case. He fills a registration form. The both the aggrieved party and the other party.
Commission sends notice to the order party. The Judge announces the disputes redressal
commission verdict.
(Courtesy: NCERT)
Various organisations have been formed in India due to consumer movement, locally
known as consumer forums or consumer protection councils which provide guidance to
consumers on filing cases in the individual.
These organisations often represents consumers in these commissions.
Financial support is provided by the government to these voluntary organisations for
creating awareness among people.
In residential colony, there is Residents’ Welfare Associations to prevent its members from
any unfair trade practice and if it happens with anyone, they take up the case on their behalf.
Under COPRA, for redressal of consumer disputes, a three-tier quasi judicial machinery
at the district, state and national levels was set up.
The district-level authority called District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission deals
with the cases involving claims up to ` 1 crore,
Cases involving claims between `1 crore and ` 10 crore is handled by the state-level
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions called as State Commission.
Cases involving claims exceeding ` 10 crore is taken care by the national-level commission
— National Commission.
E-120 Economics Class X