Page 139 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 139

2.  Find out the nearest Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission for your area.
                        Ans.  Sample: Nearest Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in my area is:
                             The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum: North West

               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                          3.  What is the difference between consumer protection council and Consumer Disputes
                             Redressal Commission?
                        Ans.  Consumer  Protection  Council  is  a  voluntary  organisation  and  does  not  have  any  legal
                            right. It helps in guiding consumers regarding how to file a case in the consumer court.
                            Sometimes, they represent individual consumer in then consumer courts.
                             Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission is three-tier  quasi-judicial  machinery at the
                            district, state and national levels set up under Consumer Protection Act, 1986, for redressal
                            of consumer disputes.

                          4.  The Consumer Protection Act 1986 ensures the following as rights which every consumer
                             in India should possess.
                             (i)  Right to choice.        (iv)  Right to representation.
                            (ii)  Right to information.   (v)  Right to safety.
                            (iii)  Right to redressal.    (vi)  Right to consumer education.
                             Categorise the following cases under different heads and mark against each in brackets.
                             (a)  Lata got an electric shock from a newly purchased iron. She complained to the
                                shopkeeper immediately. ( )
                            (b)  John is dissatisfied with the services provided by MTNL/BSNL/TATA INDICOM for
                                the past few months. He files a case in the District Level Consumer Commission. ( )
                             (c)  Your friend  has been  sold a medicine  that  has crossed the  expiry  date  and you are
                                advising her to lodge a complaint ( ).
                            (d)  Iqbal makes it a point to scan through all the particulars  given on the pack of any
                                item that he buys. ( )
                             (e)  You are not satisfied with the services of the cable operator catering to your locality
                                but you are unable to switch over to anybody else. ( )
                             (f)  You realise that you have received a defective camera from a dealer. You are complaining
                                to the head office persistently ( ).
                       Ans.  (a)  Right to Safety                    (b)  Right to Redressal
                             (c)  Right to Consumer education        (d)  Right to information
                             (e)  Right to choice                     (f)  Right to representation

                          5.  If the standardisation ensures the quality of a commodity, why are many goods available
                             in the market without ISI or Agmark certification?
                        Ans.  Standardisation ensures the quality of a commodity, still many goods are available in the
                            market without ISI or Agmark certification because:
                             (i)  It is expensive and time consuming to get these certifications and permission to use
                                these logos.
                            (ii)  It is not compulsory for every product to get it.
                            (iii)  Many small producers cannot afford to get their products certified
                            (iv)  Poor people cannot afford to buy certified  products and hence prefer to buy local
                                products without certification.

             E-122                                                                                      Economics  Class X
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