Page 138 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 138

  Consumers have the right to appeal to higher-level commissions if their case is dismissed
                            at the district level, enabling them to seek redressal through the Consumer Disputes
                            Redressal Commissions.

               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                                                     LET’S  WORK  THIS  OUT                       (Page No. 84)
                          1.  Arrange the following in the correct order.
                             (a)  Arita files a case in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
                            (b)  She engages a professional person.
                             (c)  She realises that the dealer has given her defective material.
                            (d)  She starts attending the commission proceedings.
                             (e)  She goes and complains to the dealer and the Branch office, to no effect.
                             (f)  She is asked to produce the bill and warranty before the commission.
                             (g)  She purchases a wall clock from a retail outlet.
                            (h)  Within a few months, the dealer was ordered by the commission to replace her old
                                wall clock with a brand new one at no extra cost.
                        Ans.  She purchases a wall clock from a retail outlet.
                             She realises that the dealer has given her defective material.
                             She goes and complains to the dealer and the Branch office, to no effect.
                             She engages a professional person.
                             Arita files a case in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
                             She is asked to produce the bill and warranty before the commission
                             She starts attending the commission proceedings.
                             Within a few months, the dealer was ordered by the commission to replace her old wall
                            clock with a brand new one at no extra cost.

                       LEArnInG to BEcoME WELL-InForMEd conSuMErS

                             As consumers, being aware of our rights empowers us to make informed decisions when
                            purchasing goods and services. It is essential to acquire the knowledge and skills needed
                            to become well-informed consumers.
                            Additionally, the enactment  of COPRA has resulted in the establishment  of dedicated
                            Departments  of Consumer Affairs in central  and state  governments.  These  departments
                            play a crucial role in safeguarding consumer interests.
                       ISI and Agmark
                            Certification logos like ISI, Agmark, Hallmark, or +F provide consumers with assurance
                            of quality when purchasing goods. These logos are issued by organizations that monitor
                            and set quality standards and these certifications help consumers make informed choices
                            and ensure the quality of the products they purchase.
                            While compliance with these standards is not mandatory for all producers, certain products
                            affecting consumer health and safety or widely consumed require certification. Examples
                            include LPG cylinders, food colours and additives, cement, and packaged drinking water.

                                                    LET’S  WORK  THESE  OUT                       (Page No. 86)

                          1.  Look at the posters and cartoons in this chapter. Think of any particular commodity and
                            the aspects that need to be looked at as a consumer. Design a poster for this.
                        Ans.  Do it yourself – Use your imagination for creating a poster.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-121
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